Define your goals,
play the game,
improve your impact.

What is Spluga?

What is Spluga?

Spluga is a software platform that allows you to set targets and goals, measure your progress over time and improve your social and environmental impact. Whether you are focusing on the environment, the community or your workers, Spluga will help you define Objectives and Key results, meter and analyse team progress over time, suggest ways to improve your impact and gear you towards reaching your target results.

Spluga is the place to be for companies looking to enhance their social and environmental responsibility.

The platform can help you:

  • Define and customise objectives and key results for your company.
  • Measure and track progress towards your set goals.

  • Connect to your in-house data sources.
  • Work in teams, assign objectives and manage player performance.
  • Gain valuable insights into your company’s impact creation.

  • Boost your impact with goal level improvement suggestions.
  • Easily create an Impact Report and share it with your Stakeholders.

How does it work?

Spluga is a software created by mondora and NumbersBelieve.
It’s based on the OMNIA platform, Simply connect to the platform and start creating your team and OKRs!

Join us!

We are now accepting users for our beta version of Spluga.
If you would like to test the platform and start measuring impact and reaching targets.

Please sign up here:


Thank you for joining Spluga and being part of the change!